These results are provided for informational purposes only. Please note that the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made to these results.

Men 530pm Cat 4/5

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Noah Arling Gene Johnson Cycling Team
2 Daniel Dobalian Gene Johnson Cycling Team
3 Samuel Gacad-cowan Gene Johnson Cycling Team
4 Steven Crane Hagens Berman
5 Robert Manson Zevenbergen
6 Ty Parshall Tete de la Course
7 Joshua Smith
8 John Danielson Gene Johnson Cycling Team
9 Reid Olsen
10 Alexander Greene Gene Johnson Cycling Team
11 Quin Kennedy SeattleRush Racing
12 Luke Willson Seattle Cycling Club
13 Craig Martin Fell Swoop
13 Richard Newcombe Fount Cycling Guild
13 Joseph Kitchens
13 Cosmo Harrigan Seattle Cycling Club
13 Ryan Solorzano Apex Racing

Men 530pm Masters 45+

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Matthew Hill DropBar Racing/Source Endurance
2 Sean Phillips DropBar Racing/Source Endurance
3 Jeffrey Reed DropBar Racing/Source Endurance
4 Andrew Lynch Gene Johnson Cycling Team
5 Nathan Hakken Apex Racing
6 Dave Preston Hagens Berman
7 Kirk Canfield
8 Chris Adolf Fell Swoop
9 Jason Ingram Fell Swoop
10 Todd Tourville Taco Time NW Cycling Team
11 Calvin Carter Hagens Berman
12 Mark Clausen Taco Time NW Cycling Team
13 Warland Wight Gene Johnson Cycling Team
14 Erin Clendenin Taco Time NW Cycling Team
15 Stephane Crepin Taco Time NW Cycling Team
16 Brad Callos Gene Johnson Cycling Team
17 David Hecht DropBar Racing/Source Endurance
18 Todd Dry DropBar Racing/Source Endurance
19 Craig Undem R4C
20 Joe Huber Taco Time NW Cycling Team
20 Bradley Williams Northwest Tri and Bike
20 Matthew Dutton Fell Swoop

Men 645pm Cat 1/2/3

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Peter Kim Gene Johnson Cycling Team
1 Isaac Juracich Liquid Velo Expeditors
1 Mitch Gantz Premier Racing
1 Ayden Young Zevenbergen
1 Sean Bunce Fount Cycling Guild
1 Chris Wilson Fount Cycling Guild
1 Ian Tubbs Zevenbergen
1 Ben Marshall Gene Johnson Cycling Team
1 Randy Yao Gene Johnson Cycling Team
1 Mack Parshall Tete de la Course
1 Alex Ackel Zevenbergen
1 Sam Frigo Gene Johnson Cycling Team
1 Parker Mckean Fount Cycling Guild
1 Christopher Dennis Apex Racing
1 William Cucco Tete de la Course
1 Nikki Mohrbacher Gene Johnson Cycling Team
1 Joshua Keating Zevenbergen
1 John Leopold Illuminati Cycling
1 Miles Farrow johnson Apex Racing
1 Johnathan Hsu Fount Cycling Guild
1 Tyson Danilson Gene Johnson Cycling Team
1 Keith Robinson Hagens Berman
1 Forest Tarbath Gene Johnson Cycling Team
1 Andrew Austin Hagens Berman
1 Chad Nichols Gene Johnson Cycling Team
1 Andrew Martin Tenspeed Hero
1 Brian Babbitt CBC Racing Country Green Turf Farms
1 Mark Severy Premier Racing
1 Brian Baumhover Zevenbergen
1 John Monnig Zevenbergen
1 Joel Lentz Apex Racing
1 Aaron Halfaker Apex Racing
1 Trenton Starkey Fount Cycling Guild
1 Jeremy Cucco Illuminati Cycling
1 John Reynders Team Sports Bicycle Racing Team
1 Steve Sonheim Liquid Velo Expeditors

Men 645pm Cat 4/5

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Matt Baysa A cycling Team
2 Noah Arling Gene Johnson Cycling Team
3 Ryan Mix Zevenbergen
4 Rob Lee Apex Racing
5 Zachary Simon Gene Johnson Cycling Team
6 Brandon Lemke Team Sports Bicycle Racing Team
7 Ciaran O'rourke Gene Johnson Cycling Team
8 Kit Culbert Broadmark Realty
9 Luis Perez Gene Johnson Cycling Team
10 Richard Newcombe Fount Cycling Guild
11 Luke Heerema Zevenbergen
12 Bryan Arko
13 Cosmo Harrigan Seattle Cycling Club
14 John Danielson Gene Johnson Cycling Team
15 Bing Ye Zevenbergen
16 Stephen Carlucci Fount Cycling Guild
17 Quin Kennedy SeattleRush Racing
18 James Leinbach A cycling Team
19 Andrew Babcock Cascadia Wheel Co.
19 George Frasier Recycled Cycles
19 Luke Willson Seattle Cycling Club
19 Joshua Smith
19 Damjin Byamba
19 Sam Petrini
19 Aaron Chavez
19 Michael Bailey Gene Johnson Cycling Team
19 Bryson Huie Gene Johnson Cycling Team
19 Reid Olsen
19 Rafik Shoorbajee
19 Tim Blaney Caliber Home Loans/Gerks
19 Jamison Anton Fount Cycling Guild
19 Daniel Dobalian Gene Johnson Cycling Team
19 Samuel Gacad-cowan Gene Johnson Cycling Team
19 Eric Christensen Gene Johnson Cycling Team
19 Anton Urnyshev Fount Cycling Guild

Men 645pm Masters

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Zach Juracich Liquid Velo Expeditors
2 Stephen Gingrich Apex Racing
3 Thomas Horan Fell Swoop
4 Peter Kuhn Hagens Berman
5 Bradlee Haley Liquid Velo Expeditors
6 Justin Heinen Taco Time NW Cycling Team
7 Ted Buchanan Taco Time NW Cycling Team
8 Andrew Howell
9 Greg Hoglund Taco Time NW Cycling Team
10 Doug Davis Zevenbergen
11 Stephen Fontenot OMG Racing
12 Joe Baratto Caliber Home Loans/Gerks
13 Stuart Ayling Hagens Berman
14 Jude Larene Fell Swoop
15 David Mullen Hagens Berman
16 Travis Venable Apex Racing
17 Yee Feng Zevenbergen
18 John Rasanen Fell Swoop
19 Jesse Favia
20 Ernesto Cabanes Team 2FIVE3 Racing
21 Andrew Baker Broadmark Realty
22 Andrew Lynch Gene Johnson Cycling Team
23 Rick Roof Fell Swoop
24 Kirk Canfield
25 David Grainger Gene Johnson Cycling Team
26 Brian Cole DropBar Racing/Source Endurance
27 Gregory Luniewski Caliber Home Loans/Gerks
28 David Katz Caliber Home Loans/Gerks
29 George Wright Taco Time NW Cycling Team
30 Stephane Crepin Taco Time NW Cycling Team
31 Jonathan Wagher Caliber Home Loans/Gerks
32 Rick Wiedmann Caliber Home Loans/Gerks
33 Scott Vinson
34 Jeffrey Reed DropBar Racing/Source Endurance
35 Matthew Hill DropBar Racing/Source Endurance
36 Bill Zimmerman Taco Time NW Cycling Team
37 Matthew Dutton Fell Swoop
38 Jason Ingram Fell Swoop
39 Dwaine Trummert Fell Swoop
40 Steve Thompson Caliber Home Loans/Gerks
41 Gary Lardizabal Seattle Cycling Club
42 Chris Adolf Fell Swoop
43 Nathan Hakken Apex Racing
44 Joseph Thomas Taco Time NW Cycling Team
45 Warland Wight Gene Johnson Cycling Team
46 Brad Callos Gene Johnson Cycling Team
47 Chris Joosse Team 2FIVE3 Racing
48 Dave Preston Hagens Berman
49 Mike Brown Fell Swoop
50 Lane Wilkinson Caliber Home Loans/Gerks
51 Steven Crane Hagens Berman
52 Zqwan Peterson Fell Swoop
53 Steven Robinson Zealous Racing
54 Brooks Brainerd Caliber Home Loans/Gerks
55 Bryon Cline Caliber Home Loans/Gerks
56 David Chipchase Liquid Velo Expeditors
57 David Gambel Liquid Velo Expeditors
58 Gordy Bolstad Caliber Home Loans/Gerks
58 Dustin Shaffer Fell Swoop
58 Craig Martin Fell Swoop
58 Mark Clausen Taco Time NW Cycling Team
58 John Mcconnell Team 2FIVE3 Racing
58 Walter Howard Notre Dame Cycling

Women 530pm

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Karle Pittsinger Fount Cycling Guild
2 Haley Smith Fount Cycling Guild
3 Nikki Mohrbacher Gene Johnson Cycling Team
4 Emma Starr Fount Cycling Guild
5 Alia Shafi Fount Cycling Guild
6 Samantha Dore (1 - cat5) Fount Cycling Guild
7 Ellexi Snover Fount Cycling Guild
8 Jennifer Wheeler Fount Cycling Guild
9 Ishani Ummat Fount Cycling Guild