Refund Policy

This event offers refunds in all/some cases. CANCELLATION CONDITIONS: If the event is postponed for reasons of force majure, the registration is automatically transferred at no additional cost to the new date. If you want to cancel and refund, 90% of the amount paid will be refunded. Entries may not be transferred to others after January 31st. All registrations can be canceled with the right to a 90% refund within a period of 7 days after confirmation. Refund of registration fees: Prior to November 30th 2024: Refund of 75% Between December 1st 2024 and December 30th 2024: refund of 50% As of December 31st 2024: no entry fee returned There are no exceptions for medical reasons of injury or illness. In these cases it may be possible to transfer the registration to the following year, being this decision taken by the organization and under a certain conditions.

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